All pamphlets are on a sliding scale. Most have a cardstock cover, and color image (if the cover was designed with one). Pamphlets are listed with the author, when it was first written and approximate page length and size. If available, pdfs accompany each pamphlet’s page. Prices do not include shipping.
Anarcho Surrealist Insurrectionary Feminist Manifesto ASIF Collective 1973 12p 5 x 8 'THIS IS JUST A REMINDER that when you put your fist through a glass window IT BREAKS We shall build our barricades with reinforced steel, and reinforced dreams WE SHALL FIGHT WITH POETRY AND GUNS ALL POWER TO THE IMAGINATION' Another beautiful . . .
The George Jackson Brigade, Men Against Sexism, and Gay Struggle Against Prison Bo Brown & Ed Mead 2014 64p 5 x 8 Untorelli Press presents a collection of interviews and historical documents by and about the George Jackson Brigade and Men Against Sexism, focusing on the many forms of queer struggle against prison society. This is not merely another historical . . .
Rebellion and Convict Lease in Tennessee's Coalfields, 1891-1895 Sweet Tea 2010 32p 5 x 8 From the back cover: "Something happened in Tennessee, something almost unimaginable to the mine owners and politicians of that state. When the companies tried to intimidate their workers by bringing in convict labor to take over their jobs, the . . .
Writings on the Greek Insurrection Anonymous 2009 60p 4 x 5 This pamphlet is a collection of some of the best writings to come out of the Greek insurrection of 2008. It includes communiqués written by comrades during the upheaval itself as well as articles written in the months after the fires died out (although the struggle never went away). . . .
A Brief Look at Militant Actions Against the Prison-Industrial Complex Anonymous 16p 5 x 8 I've always assumed this pamphlet was cut and pasted in the late 90s/ early 2000s—a lot of its charm comes from this. Topics include french anti-prison rebels Os Cangaceiros; bandit and prison escape artist Jacques Mesrine; the death throes of the . . .
A History of Women Healers Barbara Ehrenreich & Deirdre English 1970 28p 5 x 8 Witches, Midwives, and Nurses is a good introduction to the corruption and exploitation of the medical establishment and its historic roots in witch hunters. An exposé of the demonization of women healers and the political and economic monopolization of . . .
Survival, Revolt, and Queer Antagonist Struggle Untorelli Press (ed.) 2013 60p 5.5 x 8.5 Interviews and speeches by founding members of STAR: Sylvia Rivera and Marsha P. Johnson. Details Stonewall and the emergence of Gay Liberation afterwards, the selling out of transgendered members by the gay activist community and the STAR house. ¢75-$3
2016 6p 4 x 5.5 This is a personal piece in which a queer anarchist shares their story with symbolic language and pictures of their liberation from sexual assault and misogyny. Its also a story about finding our desires through spontaneous and rebellious risks. Its about one's own disillusionment with white-supremacist capitalist patriarchy. The intention of . . .
The Story of a Small, Underground 1960s Revolutionary Group in New York City Anonymous 16p 5 x 8 Former street kids and university drop-outs, this is the story of the Motherfuckers, hell-bent on destroying capitalism and all things it turned to lifeless gold when it touched them: art, music, drugs, and the hippie counterculture. Black Mask PDF . . .
The False Opposition of Animal Liberation A Murder of Crows 2007 44p 4 x 5 Originally published in the second issue of A Murder of Crows, this text is a good critique of many of the pitfalls of the animal liberation movement -- coming from a pro-animal perspective. The Harvest of Dead Elephants PDF ¢65-$2
Let’s Not Celebrate George Washington, but the Slaves Who Escaped Him CrimethInc. 2018 40p 5 x 8 An overview, mostly snippets and vignettes, of the slaves, indentured servants, and Native Americans that defied George Washington, as well as the role he played in shaping the United States along racial and class lines. An excellent overview! From . . .
Leopold Trebitch 2017 20p 5 x 8 More the times than the life of George Caleb Bingham, Missouri's premier 19th Century painter, this text traces Missouri from the early 1800s up to the Civil War. Showing how Democracy and slavery work hand in hand in the Show Me State, this pamphlet includes all three . . .
We Are All Hooligans Youth Revolt in France, March 1994 Saul tr. 2003 52p 5 x 8 From the text, 'In March 1994, the French government wanted to give its tender young wage slaves a 20% pay cut. The State must have figured it would be good training for their future careers as exploited . . .
to a study of the return of the repress in history Anonymous, Clifford Harper Ill. 1994 40p 5 x 8 A collection of 'ultra' prose and poetry from 300 years of outrage, passion, sarcasm and wit. Quotes, rants, declarations and blood-curdling warcries. Reprinted here from an obscure edition first published in the 60s in a . . .
Vol. I Anonymous 2014 20p 5 x 8 'This commercial stretch, full of parasitical businesses, has numerous small roads leading east into the densely-populated neighborhoods just one block in that direction. The police, too afraid and outnumbered to enter a residential area seething with outrage, weren’t able to block these streets. People, hearing about . . .
Inside the FBI Entrapment Strategy CrimethInc. 2012 8p 4 x 5 A good overview of FBI entrapment strategies from the past ten years. From the text, 'Never undertake or discuss illegal activity with people you haven’t known and trusted for a long time. Don’t trust people just because other people trust them or because they are in influential . . .
David Lamb 52p 5.5 x 8.5 Excellent essay detailing mutinies during World War I, primarally in the British army. "One question dominated the Government: ʻCould the troops be relied on, in the event of revolution or serious civil disturbance in England?'" Mutinies: WWI PDF ¢50-$2 2005 28p 8.5 x 11 A 28-page comic book introduction to the world as we know it and class war manifesto. $3-7
Radical Perspectives in the Caribbean Fundi 1988 24p 5 x 8 A compilation of excerpts from a forum on Grenada and Jamaica, which was held in San Francisco in December, 1983, follow-up interviews and informal discussions. These edited statements belong 53-year-old Jamaican named Fundi. The basis for his critical analysis of Grenada and the . . .
Anonymous 2012 16p 5 x 8 This piece tells an old story in a new way. We’ve all heard the one about the collapse of the Roman empire, and how imperial power then moved North into other parts of Europe. What The Witch’s Child offers is not new facts, but rather a new telling, . . .
The Life of Maria Nikiforova, The Anarchist Joan of Arc Malcolm Archibald 2007 32p 5.5 x 8.5 "The Ukrainian anarchist Maria Nikiforova played a prominent role in the Russian Revolutions of 1917 and the subsequent Civil War as an organizer, military commander, and terrorist. A revolutionary from the age of 16, she was on . . .
The Edelweiss Pirates, 1938-1945 Anonymous 8p 5 x 8 From the introduction by Wolfi Landstreicher, 'To be clear, I am not interested in antifascism by itself. Without a clear revolutionary perspective, the struggle against fascism all too easily degenerates into the struggle for liberal values and the democratic state. Thus, I agree with Alfredo Bonanno's statement: 'I have never liked . . .
Or, the Spectacle is sustained by the Spectator. Anonymous 2012 16p 5.5 x 8.5 "Screens are powerful technologies that shape our relations with ourselves and the world in subtle but profound ways. Among those ways is a cultivation of a Spectator's relationship with reality―we are more likely to "know" and "understand" than to see . . .
One Thousand Emotions (ed.) 2006 36p 5 x 8 Two essays--Back From Hell by Lorenzo Komboa Ervin and--and a chronology of prison revolts from 2004-2005. From the back cover: "Prisoners began… to understand in theoretical terms how racism was a way of enslaving us all – blacks and other non-whites as inferiors, whites as . . .
Simon the Simpler 2010 28p 5.5 x 8.5 This pamphlet contains recipes, a section on wildcrafting, an essay about anarcho-herbalism, and a list of additional resources. An Herbal Medicine-Making Primer PDF ¢50-$3
What Mound Have Been // Some Poems, 2003-2013 2014 60p 5.5 x 8.5 A petite, personal history of the curious earthworks of North St. Louis, the text explores the mysterious origins and unexpected transformations of the city's monumental earthen mounds. From the burial grounds of Native Americans to the platforms of early St. Louis colonialists for . . .
Notes on Christopher Columbus & Henry Shaw for the Destruction of Their Honor Leopold Trebitch & CrimethInc. 2018 p 5 x 7.5 From the introduction: "Last month, a crowd tore down a Confederate monument in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, continuing a tradition of iconoclasm initiated in nearby Durham a year ago after the clashes in . . .
Industry as the Origins of Modern Domination Leopold Roc 16p 5 x 8 An excellent description of the history and methods used to force some of the first people from their homes into factories. No one goes willing, it isn't smooth, inevitable or anything close to a 'revolution.' Industrial Domestication PDF ¢25-$1
On the origins of the wage, resistance to it, and some starting points for its destruction. Anonymous 2011 12p 5 x 8 Starting with the enclosure of common land in England, this pamphlet (briefly) traces the rise of Capitalism as it impacted different people: the degraded status of women and people of color (that . . .
Proletarian Fighter, Blanquist Conspirator, Survivor of the Galleys, Veteran of the Uprising of 1848, Fugitive, Duelist, Ruffian, & Very Nearly Assassin of Karl Marx CrimethInc. 2016 30p 4 x 5 "Today, practically all that remains of Emmanuel Barthélemy is a dramatic cameo in a chapter of Victor Hugo’s Les Misérables. But Barthélemy was a real person who participated . . .
The Collected Statements, Writings, and Communiques of Direct Action and the Wimmin’s Fire Brigade Untorelli Press (ed.) 2015 64p 5.5 x 8.5 A comprehensive collection of writings from the Canadian eco-anarchist group Direct Action. Includes retrospective interviews, communiques from attacks by the group, theoretical essays, and prison writings. War on Patriarchy PDF ¢75-$3
The Sexual Politics of Sickness Barbara Ehrenreich & Deirdre English 1973 48p 5.5 x 8.5 Though in someways dated, this '70s text still has modern relevancy and a few timeless truths. "The medical system is strategic for women’s liberation. It is the guardian of reproductive technology―birth control, abortion, and the means for safe childbirth. It . . .
A Graphic Account From Oaxaca Ana Nimo 2007 12p 8.5 x 11 From the author: 'This book represents my interpretation of the events in Oaxaca from June thru November of 2006. It is influenced by my perspective as a visitor and an anti-authoritarian. I’m sure there are as many perspectives as there are viewers, . . .
Understanding the Rising Neofascism in Cultural, Artistic, and Ecological Movements Anonymous 2014 24p 5 x 8 From the back cover: 'Across the globe, a reactionary wave has presented itself as the answer to the question posed six years ago by the militants of the global uprisings of 2011. In Greece, Ukraine, Thailand, Venezuela, Russia, . . .
Sabotage and Social War Kasimere Bran 2006 28p 4 x 5 Originally published in the first issue of A Murder of Crows, this pamphlet is a good explanation about how individual acts can fit into collective revolt and not become isolated in specialized armed struggle. Fire at Midnight PDF ¢35-$2
Attacking North Carolina's Plantation Society in the Age of Reconstruction NC Piece Corps 2012 32p 5 x 8 On December 21st, 1864, a wealthy slaveholder and minor official of the Confederacy named James P. Barnes was ambushed on his way to the Post Office in Robeson County, North Carolina. After being initially cut down by a shotgun blast, Barnes was . . .
Documents from Chicago's Clandestine Abortion Service 2004 60p 5 x 8 From the back cover: 'This collection may not only to be viewed in terms of abortion rights, or even strictly in terms of the quest for women to have control over their bodies, but also in terms of any group of people face-up against the . . .
1967-1984: Documents and Chronology The Angry Brigade & Jean Weir 1985 64p 4 x 5 'Sit in the drugstore, look distant, empty, bored, drinking some tasteless coffee? Or perhaps BLOW IT UP OR BURN IT DOWN. The only thing you can do with modern slave-houses — called boutiques — IS WRECK THEM. You can’t . . .
There must be some kinda way outta here... Winter 2005-2006 8p 8.5 x 11 Articles include an analysis of the Busch deliver drivers' striker: 'You say Lohr, We say Class War: Unions, bosses, and turning the lights on in the theatre of conflict'; a fictitious account of the social conflict that could have arisen after the social disaster of Hurricane . . .
Our days are never coming back. Autumn 2006 12p 8.5 x 11 Articles include an analysis of st. louis arsons: 'When the bloodys lips of progress move to kiss, we spit fire: on the 2006 arsons ripping through city and suburban developments'; a chronology of work-related deaths: 'They make us strap time-clocks to our chests'; a how-to about foodstamps; and . . .
Darlin' there's a place for us... can we go before I turn to dust? Summer 2008 20p 8.5 x 11 Articles include an analysis of anti-police activity in st. louis: 'Invitation for Conflict: a magnifying glass to three anti-police initiatives'; an analysis of the Laidlaw bus drivers' strike: 'The Driver on the Bus Says "WI-LD-CAT!"; a reportback from the failed . . .
No thanks thanks to the treadmill. No thanks to the Grindstone. There's plenty of dissent from these rungs below. Summer 2013 34p 8.5 x 11 After a four year hiatus, war on misery came back -- bigger than ever. Articles include an analysis of Occupy St. Louis: 'Occu-POW!: The Jolt of Occupy St. Louis'; a chronology of resistance . . .
A Journal of Desire Armed Winter 1992 44p 10.5 x 14.5 Here's the issue that made Anarchy infamous: Child Sexuality. Articles include The Economic Movement and the Polish Opposition by John Barrett; a scene report about anarchists and punks in Mexico; summary of a general strike in Spain; Pedophilia: Views From the Other Side, consisting of accounts of people who has sex . . .
A Journal of Desire Armed August-October 1989 48p 10.5 x 14.5 Articles in this issue about Relationships include Missouri Senate Moves Against Satan; Clear, Sober and Obedient: Behind the anti-drug witch-hunt by Lev Chernyi; War Criminal Gets Wrist Slapped, Adolf Eichmann is Vindicated! ; On Afghanistand by A. Trotter; a report of the May 19th riot in People's Park in Berkley, California; an article about . . .
A Journal of Desire Armed November-December 1989 44p 10.5 x 14.5 Articles include Tiananmen is not so far away: a French response to the Chinese massacre; strikes in Ukraine and Siberia; Earth First! arrests in southern Illinois blockade; Radio Anarchy: Liberating Paris Airwaves by Alison; Anarchy in the Soviet Union!; State Terror Grips China, Resistance Goes Underground; a series of articles . . .
A Journal of Desire Armed January-February 1990 36p 10.5 x 14.5 Articles include Soviets admit '68 Czech Invasion was a Mistake; For A Society Without Power: An interview with a West Berlin Autonomist; Malthusian Mystification: More Reactionary Environmentalism; The Movement in Yugoslavia by Will Firth; a report about the San Francisco-based Day of Action; Seven Theses on Play by Paul Z. Simons; The Population . . .
A Journal of Desire Armed Winter 1992 44p 10.5 x 14.5 Articles in this issue about Eastern Europe include Earthfist!ers Organize "Redwood Summer"; Chris Filmer, 1954-1989, Death of a Revolutionary by Max Anger; Third Year of the Intifada Begins by Adam Keller; a reportback from an anarchist gathering in the Northwest; information about Alfredo Bonanno and Pippo Stasi, two Italian anarchists sentenced . . .
A Journal of Desire Armed Autumn 1990 44p 10.5 x 14.5 Articles in this Anti-Work issue include Timber Sale Halted in the Shawnee by Orin Langelle, an article about earth first!ers, wobblies and anarchists momentarily stopping a timber sale in Shawnee National Forest in southern Illinois; What Went Wrong With the Anarchist Convention: Or, how to avoid infiltrators, heroes and other . . .
A Journal of Desire Armed Winter 1990-1991 36p 10.5 x 14.5 Articles in this issue about Children and Anarchy include As We See It by C.A.L. Press; Yugoslavia: A Few Words of Advice for U.S. Investors, Congressmen and Leftists; Be Prepared for the Cops by Carl Treasurer; Mutiny in Greece about a 48-hour long general strike; From Solidarity to Anarchy: Polish Anarchist Federation . . .
A Journal of Desire Armed Spring 1991 44p 10.5 x 14.5 Articles include Berlin Squats Attacked about the eviction of Mainzerstrasse; In the Middle East and Everywhere Else, No State Solution is a Good Solution, in response to the first Gulf War by Charlatan Stew; Gay Pastor Assassinated in Paris by Alison Gross about the state-killing of queer activist Joseph Douce; The . . .
A Journal of Desire Armed Summer 1991 84p 10.5 x 14.5 In this issue 'The Situationists and Beyond', articles include Barricades in Vancouver: Squatters Resist Eviction in B.C.; More 'Peace' in the Middle East by Noam Chomsky; Retail Nuclear Terror in the U.S.? by Ann Howe; 'Our Dreams Will Become Their Nightmares': Student Uprising in Greece by Disturbance; Poland: The Dark Side of . . .
A Journal of Desire Armed Winter 1992 44p 10.5 x 14.5 Articles in this issue about Women, Gender, & Anarchy include Winnie Mendela, Queerbashing, and the Left by the Boston Anarchist drinking brigade; Uncommon Ground: Fear and Hierarchy in Boulder by Robert Ovetz; Anti-Columbus Day: Native Americans intensify protests by Michael William; a report back from an anarchist gathering in . . .
A Journal of Desire Armed Summer 1992 88p 8.25 x 10.5 Articles include remembrances to Bob Brubaker, 1952-1992; an article by Michael William about Lyne Robichaud's painting Femme aux Bananas; Peace for Cuba: the repressive left in action; Wear A Mask! about a queer riot in San Francisco the previous year; Sacrifice, Chapter 12 of Raoul Vaneigem's The Revolution of Everyday Life; Future Primitve by John . . .
A Journal of Desire Armed Fall 1992 88p 8.25 x 10.5 Articles include La Saint-Jean by Michael William; a communique by the HarrietTubman-Sarah Conner Brigade about their smashing of a military satelite, Insurgents Demolish War Satellites; Water Troughs and Fire by Liam Kellen; The Day Before Yuppification: a report from poland by Piotr Rymarczyk; Riot L.A. by Adam Bergman; Slagging Off the LGN by Max London; Dem-Con '92 . . .
A Journal of Desire Armed Winter 1992-1993 84p 8.25 x 10.5 Articles include The Stone Age Revisited by M. Annette Jaimes; Life in Revolutionary Barcelona Part I by Manolo Gonzalez; The Organization of Appearances, Chapter 14 of Raoul Vaneigem's The Revolution of Everyday Life; Anarchist Aesthetics by Kingsley Widmer; A Young Dyke's Feminist Perspective on the Age of Consent Question by anonymous; Is . . .
A Journal of Desire Armed Spring 1993 84p 8.25 x 10.5 Articles include Life in Revolutionary Barcelona Part II by Manolo Gonzalez; Rap Cops, an article by Michael William about three undercover cops who also rap for school students to win back their trust; Holes in Condom Theory by R. Zack; brief scene reports from Belurussia, Bulgaria, Czechoslavkia, . . .
A Journal of Desire Armed Summer 1993 84p 8.25 x 10.5 Articles include How Nice to be Civilized by Des Refractaires; Peru: The Ideaology of Apocalypse Shining Path to What? by Manolo Gonzalez; an update about anarchists in Nigeria who are facing repression; Anti-Fascist-Action Edinburgh by Rachel Rinaldo; The Fascination of Time, chapter 16 of Raoul Vaneigem's The Revolution of Everyday Life; The Continuing Appeal of . . .
A Journal of Desire Armed Fall 1993 84p 8.25 x 10.5 Articles include FBI vs. the Branch Davidians; a letter in support of greek anarchist K. Mazokopos; International Squatting, an interview with anarchists in Moscow, Russia; a report back from the annual Love and Rage conference; Survival Sickness, chapter seventeen of Raoul Vaneigem's The Revolution of Everyday Life; For a . . .
A Journal of Desire Armed Winter 1994 84p 8.25 x 10.5 Articles include Yeltsin's Coup: Obviously a provocation by the government by Mikhail Tsovma; Blood Monday:Yeltsin's excuse for repression by Laure Akai; an interview with polish syndicalists; an update about Kenyan anarchists facing repression; an report back from anti-Klan anti-police murder rally put on by anarchists in Chattanooga, Tennessee; Electronic Access . . .
A Journal of Desire Armed Spring-Summer 1994 100p 8.25 x 10.5 Articles include The September Putsch: What really happened, and what didn't and Moscow: This Ain't Los Angeles by Laure Akai; Bad Boys and the Badge on Prime Time by J. Donnely; a report back from the West Coast Anarchist Campout in the Mendocino National Forest by Adam Bergman; Revolutionary Shoplifters, a . . .
A Journal of Desire Armed Fall 1995 84p 8.25 x 10.5 Articles include Why I Hate Star Trek by John Zerzan and Marty Hitchens; 13th Street Squats Evicted in NYC by Mike Bellows and Amanda Trevins; May Day in Russia and the new Zhirinovsky by Laure Akai; The Last Word on "Race" by Mickey Z.; Masters Without Slaves, chapter 21 of Raoul . . .
A Journal of Desire Armed Spring-Summer 1997 64p 8.25 x 10.5 Articles include Anti-Anarchist Repression in Quebec by Michael Williams; The Space-Time of Live Experience, chapter 22 of Raoul Vaneigem's The Revolution of Everyday Life; Running on Emptiness: The Failure of Symbolic Thought by John Zerzan; Murray Bookchin, Grumpy Old Man by Bob Black*; Rare Praise; or Bookchin hates us (and... that's a . . .
A Journal of Desire Armed Fall/ Winter 1997-1998 84p 8.25 x 10.5 Articles include He Means It. Do You? by John Zerzan about the stance of Ted Kacynski; The Unitary Triad: Self-Realization, Communication, Participation chapter 23 of Raoul Vaneigem's The Revolution of Everyday Life; Guy Debord, 1968: The Situationist Years by Len Bracken; New York, New York: 20 years since the '77 . . .
A Journal of Desire Armed Spring/ Summer 1998 84p 8.25 x 10.5 Articles include Cornelius Castoriadis: An Obituary; an article about the conviction of three editors of the British publication Green Anarchist; Bill Gates Gets a Pie in the Face; The Interworld and the New Innocence, chapter 24 of Raoul Vaneigem's The Revolution of Everyday Life; Anthropology and Anarchism by Brian Morris; Everyday Life in . . .
A Journal of Desire Armed Fall/ Winter 1998-1999 84p 8.25 x 10.5 Articles include Two, Three, Many Unabombers by Paul Z. Simons and Jason McQuinn; Computer Clash by Michael Williams about a debate at the Active Resistance conference on whether or not to use the internet as an organizing tool; Avi Naftel is Free!; Sem Terra; Capitalism Takes a Nose Dive; a report . . .
A Journal of Desire Armed Fall/ Winter 1999-2000 84p 8.25 x 10.5 Articles include Post-Left Anarchy? by Jason McQuinn; Reclaim the Trains! by the Collective Without Money; Anti-Panhandler Repression in Gay Villages by Michael William; Robert Thaxton: Who He is and the Struggle He is a Part of by Wolfi Landstreicher; an update about Greek anarchist . . .
A Journal of Desire Armed Spring/ Summer 2000 84p 8.25 x 10.5 Articles include Snatching Defeat from the Jaws of Victory! by Jason McQuinn; Anti-Cop Riot by Michael William about Montreal's annual March 15 rally; WEF Protest in Davos, Switzerland; The State is the Worst Terrorist—No Apologies Ever!: A Declaraction from Polish and Russian Anarchists; The Plea of Nikos Maziotis . . .
A Journal of Desire Armed Fall/ Winter 2000-2001 84p 8.25 x 10.5 Articles include From Settle to Prague and Beyond! by Jason McQuinn; Revolution in Yugoslavia—Who Won? by Tom Wheeler; Amsterdam Squatters Evicted by Riot Cops; Montreal Anarchist May Day Demo by Michael William; Eyewitness Report on the S26 Demo in Prague by Joe Black; Anarchist Rebels in Uganda?; My Date . . .
A Journal of Desire Armed Fall/ Winter 2001-2002 84p 8.25 x 10.5 Articles include "Stop the Violence!"? by Jason McQuinn; Stop the War!; The Landless Women of Bangladesh; What Happened in Gothenburg by Inge Johansson; The Truth About the Genoa Black Bloc; The Liberation Army of the Free Papua Movement (TPN/OPM); Anti-Capitalist Mobilization: The Black Bloc in Quebec by Nicolas; Portrait of a . . .
A Journal of Desire Armed Spring/ Summer 2002 84p 8.25 x 10.5 Articles include Anarchist Diversity vs. Monolithic Anarchism by Jason McQuinn; Where is the Anarchist Movement Today?: Results from the Anarchy Reader Survey; Argentine Meltdown by Federacion Libertaria Argentina; The Prefontaine and Overdale Squats: An Analysis of Building Occupations in Montreal by Michael Williams; World Economic Forum in New York by . . .
A Journal of Desire Armed Winter 2002-2003 84p 8.25 x 10.5 Articles include Twilight of the Machines by John Zerzan; Anarcho-Communism, Platformism, and Dual Power by Lawrence Jarach; From Politics to Life: Ridding Anarchy of the Leftist Millstone by Wolfi Landstreicher; Rejecting the Reification of Revolt by Jason McQuinn; Declaration of the Society Against Scientistic Obscurantism & . . .
A Journal of Desire Armed Spring/ Summer 2003 84p 8.25 x 10.5 Articles include Preliminary Notes by Los Amigos de Ludd; Urbanized Life by John Zerzan; "No" to All Wars, Not Just to Some Wars by Jason McQuinn; 19 July 1936: Anarchist Collaboration with the State in the Spanish Civil War by Stuart Christie; Czech Anti-NATO Mobilization by P.H.; Between Iraq and a Hard . . .
A Journal of Desire Armed Jason McQuinn & Lawrence Jarach (eds.) Fall/ Winter 2003-2004 84p 8.25 x 10.5 Articles include Evasion of Rational Discussion in the Radical Milieu by Jason McQuinn, Stopping the Car by H. H. Bliss, Inside Anarchy by Jason McQuinn, Notes on Summits and Counter-Summits by Some Rovertan Anarchists, Green Anarchists Gather in . . .
A Journal of Desire Armed Jason McQuinn & Lawrence Jarach (eds.) Spring/ Summer 2004 84p 8.25 x 10.5 Articles include For an Ongoing Theory of Domestic Violence by Dot Matrix, Representation as Salvation by Christina Heatherton, The Fear of Individual Freedom by Jason McQuinn, Anarchist Identity in the 21st Century? by Aragorn!, The Exploited Show Riot by . . .
A Journal of Desire Armed Spring/ Summer 2004-2005 84p 8.25 x 10.5 Articles include Arming Desire in Disarming Times by Lawrence Jarach; Inside Anarchy by Leona Benten and Lawrence Jararch; an announcement for the opening of Caracas, an anarchist social center in Venezuela; an obituary for Manolo Gonzalez; Portland, Orgeon: The Perez Murder One Year Later; . . .
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