Anarchy #31
A Journal of Desire Armed
Winter 1992 44p 10.5 x 14.5
Articles in this issue about Women, Gender, & Anarchy include Winnie Mendela, Queerbashing, and the Left by the Boston Anarchist drinking brigade; Uncommon Ground: Fear and Hierarchy in Boulder by Robert Ovetz; Anti-Columbus Day: Native Americans intensify protests by Michael William; a report back from an anarchist gathering in Ocotepec, Mexico; Death of An Anarchist: Report from the Greek Anarchist Movement, about the shoot-out with greek police that ended in the death of anarchist Michalis Prekas; a letter from Argentine anarchists; Down Quantity Street, Chapter 10 of Raoul Vaneigem’s The Revolution of Everyday Life; Beyond Feminism: Anarchism and Human Freedom by L. Susan Brown; The Women’s Movement and the Reaction Against It, a critique by Laure Akai; Feminism: Disarmed? Indulgent? Introverter? by Iris Mills; Anarchism and Gender: Sexual Orientation Politics by Liz A. Highleyman; Without Respite and Without Rest: Mujeres Libres and the Spanish Revolution by Amy Meselson; Regaining Control: Taking health care into our own hands; There is no ‘natural’ human sexuality by Ruth Hubbard; and A Few Words on Men’s Liberation by Adrian Kollontai.
There are 10 book reviews, descriptions of 81 alternative media publications and 44 other anarchist publications, and, of course, letters to the editor.
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