All posters are on a sliding scale. Most are digital reprints on 80 lbs cardstock, full color and full bleed when intended to be so. The posters are listed with the designer, when it was first printed and approximate size. Most poster icons are hi-res images of the graphic. Prices do not include shipping.
Flavio Constantini 1974 10.5 x 16.5 Marius Jacob (1879-1954) was an anarchist burglar living in turn-of-the-century France. Here we have the illegalist and two of his comrades breaking into a cathedral to steal tapestries. Flavio Costantini (1926-2013) was an Italian artist, designer, and printmaker. Costantini created portraits of writers and artists for newspapers, and illustrated several . . .
Erik Ruin 2010 10.5 x 16.5 An homage to the 17th century British revolutionaries who created small agrarian communities in hopes of actualizing their beliefs that all are equal and that all property should be held in common. #70 in the Celebrate People's History Series. This poster is a full-bleed digital reprint on 80 lbs cardstock. . . .
Molly Crabapple & John Leavitt 2012 10.5 x 16.5 Full-bleed digital reprint on 80 lbs cardstock. $1-5
Flavio Constantini 1976 10.5 x 16.5 On September 11, 1926, anarchist Gino Lucetti (1900-1943) threw a bomb at Mussolini's passing car. Sadly, the bomb bounced off without hurting Il Douche, and Lucetti was arrested. The would-be assassin was sentenced to 30 years in prison, but escaped in 1943 (being killed in a bombing raid shortly afterward.) Flavio . . .
Marc Moscato & Dean Rank 2009 10.5 x 16.5 "Step high, stoop low, leave your dignity outside." The Dil Pickle Club, 1914-1933. "Literary nightspot at the heart of the Chicago renaissance. Around the corner from Bughouse Square, down the Tooker Alley, was Chicago's radical nexus billed The Dil Pickle Club. Here, every openness on the road . . .
Meredith Stern 2001 10.5 x 16.5 “ 'Those of us who were members of Jane were remarkable only because we chose to act with women’s needs as our guide. In doing so we transformed illegal abortion from a dangerous, sordid experience into one that was life-affirming and powerful.' —Laura Kaplan 1969–1973. Feminist, underground abortion service, one . . .
anonymous 10 x 14 This poster is a digital reprint on 80 lbs cardstock. $1-5
El Mund Feliz 2014 10.5 x 16.5 "The Spanish Maquis were guerrillas who fought against the Franco regime. They carried out sabotage in Spain, as well as contributing to the fight against Nazi Germany and the Vichy regime in France in the 1940s. The anti-Franco guerrilla resistance in Spain began before the end of the Spanish . . .
Keinom 2006 10.5 x 16.5 "After Hitler took power in 1933 several resistance groups fought against the regime. The White Rose was founded in 1942 and based in Munich. Its members were students Hans and Sophie School, Christian Probst, Willi Graf, Alexander Schmorell and Professor Kurt Huber. Against great odds and heavy repression, they printed six . . .
Alec Dunn 2000 10.5 x 16.5 “ 'We may think we live in a free country, but we are in reality nothing but slaves. When President Wilson said we are at war he spoke the truth once. But it isn’t a war against another nation, but a never-ending class war within our own country.' —Dr. Marie . . .
Mary Tremonte 2009 10.5 x 16.5 "Roy and Silo are chinstrap penguins at Central Park Zoo in New York City, who were inseperable for over six years. The two males exhibited 'escatic behavior,' entwining their necks, vocalizing to each other, and having sex. When other penguins laid eggs and began incubating, they found an egg-shaped rock . . .
Shaun Slifer 2014 10.5 x 16.5 " 'We petition no more. That won’t do—fighting must.' LUDDITES: being a social uprising in the Midlands of England between the years 1811 and 1813 TO PUT DOWN ALL MACHINERY HURTFUL TO COMMONALITY! 'Certain inventions in machinery were introduced into the staple manufacturers of the north, which, greatly reducing the . . .
Christy Road 2004 10.5 x 16.5 "During an era of extreme gender division in Spain, women's freedom was severely restricted. In response to the women's situation, two groups of anarchist women in Barcelona and Madrid had begun organising two years before the revolution. In preparation for the revolution, they built up a network of women activists . . .
Ben Rubin 2002 10.5 x 16.5 "Anarchist, writer, and activist who fought for human rights, women’s equality, sexual freedom, contraception, fair labor practices, education, individual liberty, and social revolution." #10 in the Celebrate People's History. This poster is a full-bleed digital reprint on 80 lbs cardstock. $1-5
John Jennings 2015 10.5 x 16.5 “To be Black and conscious in America is to live in a constant state of rage.”—James Baldwin #103 in the Celebrate People's History. This poster is a full-bleed digital reprint on 80 lbs cardstock. $1-5
Mazatl 2010 10.5 x 16.5 Que a sangre y fuego caiga, lo que a sangre y fuego se mantiene. // That which is maintained with blood and fire through blood and fire shall fall. —Ricardo Flores Magón El Hijo del Ahuizote fue un perodico revolucionario que luchó contra la dictadura de Porfirio Diaz en Mexico. La publicación combinó . . .
Josh MacPhee 2007 10.5 x 16.5 "In July, 1936, soon after General Franco’s fascist troops revolted against the Spanish Republic, Buenaventura Durruti led a military column made up of 2,000 Anarchist workers to fight the fascists. Not a typical military unit, the column was organized by the soldiers themselves, with rank holding only minimal importance, and . . .
Aprille 2005 10.5 x 16.5 "Louise Olivereau (1883-1963). One of many arrested in the United States during World War I for speaking their mind—her heinous crime was merely mailing out a few thousand anti-draft leaflets. She was charged with sedition and served 28 months of a 10 year sentence." #28 in the Celebrate People's History Series. . . .
anonymous 2005 10.5 x 16.5 This poster is a full-bleed, full color digital reprint on 80 lbs cardstock. $1-5
Mazatl 2012 10.5 x 16.5 "International General Strike! No Work No School No Shopping" This poster is a full-bleed digital reprint on 80 lbs cardstock. SPANISH VERSION HERE $1-5
Micah Bazant 2014 10.5 x 16.5 "Marsha 'Pay It No Mind' Johnson was a mother of the trans and Queer Liberation movement. She dedicated her life to helping trans youth, sex workers, and poor incarcerated Queers. We honor her legacy by supporting Trans Women of Color to live and lead." This poster is a full-bleed digital . . .
Meredith Stern 2014 10.5 x 16.5 This full-bleed digital reprint on 80 lbs cardstock comes in two sizes. 4.5" x 5"—¢50-$3 7" x 7.5"—$1-5
Mazatl 2012 10.5 x 16.5 "¡Huelga General Internacional! No Trabajo No Escuela No Consumo" This poster is a full-bleed digital reprint on 80 lbs cardstock. ENGLISH VERSION HERE $1-5
Josh MacPhee 2006 10.5 x 16.5 "From November 1969 to June 1971 a coalition of American Indian students and urban Indians, calling themselves ‘Indians of All Tribes’, occupied Alcatraz Island off the coast of San Francisco as a call to resistance against US domination of native peoples and land. The coalition publicized the occupation through a . . .
Damon Locks 2012 10.5 x 16.5 "In the early 1700s, Queen Nanny and the Windward Maroons used guerilla warfare to defeat the British from the mountains of Jamaica. In doing so, they avoided further enslavement and forced the British to capitulate. In 1939-40, the British Governor in Jamaica gave the Maroons two thousand five hundred acres . . .
anonymous 2014 10.5 x 16.5 This poster is a full-bleed digital print on 80 lbs cardstock. $1-5
Shaun Slifer 2003 10.5 x 16.5 “Wild nature is so beautiful! Is it then necessary that man, in his seizure of it, has to proceed systematically to exploit each newly conquered domain and to mark his ownership with vulgar constructions and property boundaries as straight as a die?” —L’Homme et la Nature, 1865 "Elisée Reclus, influential . . .
2014 9.5 x 13 A detournment of Albrecht Durer’s Ercules inspired by the work of Fredy Perlman. Text from the back of the poster reads: “Some say Durer was a communalist like many of the peasant rebels of his day, others an authoritarian of the worst stripe. While his work can support either of these seemingly contradictory stances, . . .
Matt Gauck 2013 10.5 x 16.5 "In 1982, five activists from Squamish, Canada dynamited a hydroelectric project as well as a cruise missile factory, among others. They had become frustrated with conventional forms of activist & non-violent protest, so they took to propaganda of the deed, and made a difference with direct action." #88 in the . . .