Resilience, Disaster, Elusion
The Life and Times Below John Adams, Part I
Leopold Trebitch 2021 238p 5.5 x 8
From the back cover, “How is it that America cries ‘freedom,’ but delivers slavery, war, and death?
The same tensions we see today from Black Mesa and Standing Rock to Ferguson and Kenosha have racked America since its founding. Below John Adams returns to the origin point of this nightmare, examining the roles that race, law, and religion played in colonial conquest and trade in the American Northeast.
From Native self-defense and African defiance to Caribbean pirates and mutinous servants, this is a tale of the tumultuous world at the roots of the American Revolution and our modern society—the end of which remains unwritten.”
This is hopefully the first in a trilogy exploring how New England and upper class values shaped modern democracy, which now ensnares the earth. Part II will go from the 1740s to the mid-1770s, covering the rowdy 1740s, the Seven Years’ War (1756-1763), lower class contestation in the 1760s, and upper class recuperation. Part III will cover the American Revolutionary War and the early years of the United States, all loosely based around John Adams and New England.
Below John Adams is a follow up to Escaping Washington for Freedom.
Resilience, Disaster, Elusion readable PDF with links to sources
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