Living My Life Vol. I
Emma Goldman 1931 503p 5 x 8
Unabridged first half of Emma Goldman’s almost 1000 page autobiography. Based on years of journal entries, the names, events and descriptions are incredibly vivid even after years since they first happened. See an endless list of friends, comrades, lovers, enemies, co-conspirators and fellow inmates as Goldman emirgates to america, works shitty jobs, befriends Johann Most, finds out about the haymarket anarchists, helps Alexander Berkman try and kill Henry Frick, tries to break Berkman out of prison, advocates a stateless society, denounces war, goes to prison, writes anarchist-feminist theory, advocates free love, birth control and anarchism, touring all across the U.S. This half covers the years of 1869-1911.
Living My Life Vol. II covers from 1912-1931.
Helene Minkin wrote Storm in My Heart: Memories from the Widow of Johann Most in response to Living My Life.
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