Anarchy #40
A Journal of Desire Armed
Spring-Summer 1994 100p 8.25 x 10.5
Articles include The September Putsch: What really happened, and what didn’t and Moscow: This Ain’t Los Angeles by Laure Akai; Bad Boys and the Badge on Prime Time by J. Donnely; a report back from the West Coast Anarchist Campout in the Mendocino National Forest by Adam Bergman; Revolutionary Shoplifters, a report back from the Carbondale, Illinois chapter of the Revolutionary Shoplifting Army; The Myth of the Cuban Revolution; The Reversal of Perspectives, chapter 19 of Raoul Vaneigem’s The Revolution of Everyday Life; The Ecological Montreal Party: A “Libertarian” Frankenstein by Michael Williams; Nonmonogamy, an interview conducted by Anders Corr; Flores Magon and the Mexican Liberal Party by Brian Morris; Great Grunting Groans by Lorna McLaughlin; An Entertaining Story: A Short Corporate Fiction by Marc L. Sherman; Refractions by Doug Bolling; Drifting Away From the Sacred: Thoughts inspired by reading Peter Lamborn Wilson’s The Sacred Drift by Feral Faun;
There are 5 book reviews, descriptions of 81 other anarchist publications, and, of course, letters to the editor.
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