Anarchy #23
A Journal of Desire Armed
January-February 1990 36p 10.5 x 14.5
Articles include Soviets admit ’68 Czech Invasion was a Mistake; For A Society Without Power: An interview with a West Berlin Autonomist; Malthusian Mystification: More Reactionary Environmentalism; The Movement in Yugoslavia by Will Firth; a report about the San Francisco-based Day of Action; Seven Theses on Play by Paul Z. Simons; The Population Myth by Murray Bookchin; an interview with Noam Chomsky; The Great American High: Contradictions of Cocaine Capitalism by Jefferson Morley; and Humilation, Chapter 2 of Raoul Vaneigem’s The Revolution of Everyday Life.
There are 1 book reviews, descriptions of 44 alternative media publications and 43 other anarchist publications, and, of course, letters to the editor.
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